Introducing our 1st online only auction of 2021
Welcome to our first auction sale of 2021. With the pandemic still interrupting daily life as you are well used to by now, this shall be an online auction across both Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd February.
It is important that you make sure you register to bid well in advance of the deadline for online registration. We still have to comply with all anti money laundering regulations and, because we cannot meet you at the venue we have to rely on utilising online checks to comply with the law. All of this does require a bit of input from you so please make sure you check our website for details of registration.
When you register we shall also require you to complete a payment page. We utilise Sagepay for this which places a hold on the funds until the auction. Please note this may place your account in overdraft if there are insufficient credit funds. The payment section of the registration is available to complete six days before the auction, but don’t worry, we shall prompt you to complete this section if you have registered earlier.
For each lot we require a security deposit or “bond” of £6,150.00, being £5,000 as deposit and £1,150.00 (inclusive of VAT) contract documentation charge. You can bid on any lot you like but, if you purchase one lot and want to bid on another, you will either have to quickly pay whilst the auction is ongoing or, complete more than one payment facility. If you have any questions about this aspect of registration or the auction generally, my team are here to help so please give us a call or check out all the guides on this web site.
As we publish this catalogue there is a lot of talk around whether the property market should stay open. Not only will we always follow government guidance and regulations but additionally, the safety and welfare of our staff and customers is of paramount importance to us. We have very strict guidelines for our team conducting viewings and we ask you at these viewings to respect all social distancing rules and please bring your own PPE. On occasions we might have to ask you to wait at a property when we are holding viewings and, I appreciate this is on occasions rather frustrating but, my team have rules to follow and I am sure that a few minutes wait is far less inconvenient than being placed in danger and higher risk of falling ill with coronavirus so please, be patient and abide by the requests of my team.
You will see on the viewing sheet and our website open viewing times. These are to give you a guide as to when we will be at the property but, before making your journey, please book your viewing slot in advance so we can make sure viewings are conducted securely, safely and within guidelines.
So, this is a catalogue of some 300 lots for you to page through, enjoy and hopefully find lots of interest. Some of my team are working remotely but messages will get to them very quickly and so, if you need to speak to someone who is away from the office you can be assured of a call back very quickly.
Finally, please remember that even though this is an online auction, you are bidding to buy. If yours is the highest successful bid you will have exchanged a contract in exactly the same way as you would in the auction venue itself. These are NOT conditional sales and, once your bid has been made you CANNOT withdraw it so, please only bid if you have done all your due diligence and want to buy.
I wish you the best of luck with your bidding and, please stay safe in these difficult times, we will come through it I am sure before long.